NLP Premium Node

Takes text as input and applies a premium NLP module



This node will be deprecated in October 2022.

The NLP Premium node provides additional intelligence modules that provide much more complex capabilities. This node gives you the power of analyzing the sentiment of your customer, detect any offensive words in the input, etc.


NLP Premium Node

The intelligence modules (represented as methods) available in the NLP Premium node are:

  • Sentiment Analysis - identifies the sentiments and extracts opinions within the provided input text like attitude, brands, negation, etc.
  • Parse Tree Generation - parses the provided input text and generates a rooted tree that represents the syntactic structure of the text.
  • Profanity Filter - detects the offensive or abusive words within the provided input text and masks such words.


This node is available in Node Palette only if it has been provisioned for you.

Node Configuration

Drag-and-drop the NLP Premium node onto the visual flow builder and double-click it to open the configuration window.

  1. Select the required Method Name from the drop-down list.
  1. Enter the message body (for a static message) or type the variable name (for a dynamic message) in the Input Text field.
  1. Enter the MSISDN if the selected method is Profanity Filter.
  2. Click Save to complete the configuration.

Input Variables

You can see a list of all the flow variables available for use within this node under the Input Variables pane. You can also search for a variable using the Search field.

You can see the list of variables that you explicitly create and configure for this node under the Custom Variables pane. You can also add a custom variable to the flow using the Add New Custom Variable button. For more information, see Custom Variables.

Output Variables

You can see the data that this node generates as output variables. These variables are available for use in subsequent nodes. The standard output variables for the NLP Premium node vary based on the selected method.

MethodOutput Variable(s)
Sentiment Analysis> Library - contains the library from which sentiment analysis is done
Sentiment - contains the sentiment of the provided input text
Parse Tree Generation>* Parse Tree - contains the parsed tree of the provided input text
Profanity Filter>* Filtered Message - contains the message that has been obtained after filtering out any offensive or abusive words

Output Variables

Node Outcomes

You can see the list of possible node outcomes for this node under this pane. You can customize the node labels using the Edit (pencil) icon. The node exits through one of the node edges corresponding to the outcome of the node.

Node EdgeNode Event/Outcome
Success (green)

Note: You can see this node edge only when you complete the node configuration.
* onSuccess - the flow exits through this node when the input text is processed successfully
Timeout (yellow/amber)* onTimeout - the flow exits through this node outcome when the input is timed out
Error (red) onFailure - the flow exits through this node outcome when the input text is not processed successfully
onError - the flow exits through this node outcome when there is an error
onInvalidData - the flow exits through this node outcome when the input text is invalid data
onInvalidChoice - the flow exits through this node outcome when the input text contains an invalid choice

Transition Actions

Use this tab to configure the transition actions for On-enter/On-leave events. However, configuring transition actions is optional. For detailed instructions about configuring the transition actions, see Node Transition Actions.